Deb,her son, Dan Debby & Family Debbie
The story behind Beauty and the Beast is a fun one. My friend, Debby Rohr, and I had both played together in the Lady Outlaws+1 at a club called the Sports Field. This club had had a variety of names over the years and in about 1988 it was owned by a Greek man named John. His son, Chris, was one of the bartenders there as well. Somehow, John, took a liking to me and had me play guitar with the many duos that he brought in to perform. The duos, whether they liked it or not, had to put up with my guitar playing. The Lady Outlaws, Debby & Linda, were hired along with me as their lead guitar. The group really clicked for a while and we did well for the club. Like all groups, it seems, good things must come to an end. We went our seperate ways. However, Debbie and I have remained good friends over the years and have performed as Beauty and the Beast when ever possible. The above pictures are from 2006.

Debbie Outlaws & Friends Linda Lou

"Diamond" Jim Linda & Debbie Linda, Dan & Debbie
Debbie Linda & Dan "Little Bit" & "Diamond" Jim

Linda, Dan & Debbie Linda "Diamond" Jim
Here we are playing in days gone by. I've included some pictures of our friends: "Diamond" Jim, "Little Bit" (Jim's wife) and Lou as they were a big part of our life and greatly supported our group. We lost Lou in the mid 1990s and we miss him. He was a very good guy.
There were a couple of funny things that went on. "Diamond" Jim would pretend that he could see up the dresses of the girls by looking at the mirrors that were above the stage at the Sports Field Bar. Deb and I would often times be performing a club and the guys would ask if we were married. Our response: "Yes........Just not to each other." We had fun with that one.
I had the opportunity to move to Gunnison, CO in 1992 as the supervisor of the post office. Debby was working on one of her albums and needed some help with her synth so she came up for a visit. Here she is:
Debbie in Gunnison